Cedie Lynn Mock's Blog

Cedie Lynn was born on 6/16/05 in Memphis, TN. She arrived 6 wks early. Cedie spent the first 11 & 1/2 months in the hospital. Although she endured many surgeries and spent 2/3 of her life in hospitals, she was a very happy, beautiful little girl who was full of love and who was loved by everyone who met her in person and online. She now watches over all of us as our own little angel.

Monday, August 21, 2006

8/18-8/20- A Little Under the Weather

Cedie has what I hope is just a little cold. She ran a little bit of a fever on and off all day Saturday. Her nose was running a lot all weekend- however, it was clear (not the yucky green stuff). She has also has a little cough. Her trach needed suctioning a lot more often as well (thankfully those secretions were clear too).

Dylan's nose starting running the same clear mess on Friday (he started it all :) ) and I had a sinus headache all day Saturday. Chris' sinuses started giving him trouble Sunday night. So Cedie's not alone... We use TONS of Purell and antibacterial soap but we still can't seem to not share our bugs :-( We will just blame it on Memphis weather!

Hopefully we will all clear up soon and hopefully it won't cause Cedie any major respiratory distress- she has been doing so well.


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